Monday, March 12, 2012

meeting with Dr. Yu (post radiation)

Hi all,
CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC!!!! Those were the words Dr Yu at Sloan used to describe Laurie's newest cat scan. The tumor shrunk a little, it appears that it has not spread to any organs, and has moved away slightly from some of the blood vessels. He will talk w/ the surgeon and get back to Laurie about the option of surgery. In the meantime, Laurie has an appt. at Mt Sinai w/ a surgeon who has been very supportive of the surgery option this Wed. So we got the best possible news this morning and now ready to go to the next step!!!! Marathon next Nov., is on the table!!!!!!!! Will advise you all of the latest updates, it is a possibility that Laurie could be in surgery within the next 2 weeks!!!! Keep the good thought coming!!!!

The Best to all,

1 comment:

  1. Well, then, let me issue a cautiously optimistic...BOOYAH!!! That's a well known
    Boodhist chant of happiness...;-)
