Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mixed Report

It's been a while since the last update as Laurie has been back on chemo for about three months to address the spread of cancer to her liver (seemed to be one small spot). She managed the treatment much better this time, feeling out of commission only a day or two each two week round. 

Because of how much stronger she's been feeling, we were hopeful that the results of last Wednesday's CT scan would reflect good things. However, the news was more mixed. While the original lesion in her liver has not progressed (the positive), another small tumor showed up in her lungs (not so good). 

Her oncologist, Dr. Yu, said that the lungs are a place where treatment is more successful, so we are hopeful about that, but certainly surprised and disappointed not to have gotten a more completely positive report. 

She's gotten a temporary reprieve from chemo and will resume a revised "cocktail" on November 12th. 

If it was all about attitude and spirit, however (and we still believe that must count for something), Laurie would be in excellent shape. She has not much self pity and a lot of living life in a zestful way. She is planning to complete her 15th NYC Marathon on Sunday November 4th  (and has dragged me and Tracey into it as walking companions....that's another story) and is leaving for a Disney cruise with Tracey and the grandkids on November 6th. She is actually featured in the official marathon magazine as an inspiring story and is to be interviewed this Monday by a reporter from WCBS 880 radio station who read the story. 

Also, in the spirit of living life and bringing more love into it, last week we added a wonderful 9 week old Portuguese Water Dog (looking for a playdate with Obama's Bo) to our family. His name is Paco (short for Apocalypse) and he has already bonded amazingly with Laurie and almost as much with me (I'm an absentee working father on weekdays and making the most of weekend time together). After a career working with disabled folks, Laurie has decided to appoint Paco as a "service dog" for her, which means she is entitled to take him anywhere.....and he's already been on the subway, the bus, grocery shopping, to chemo, and to the movies (a Noel Coward classic at the Film Forum....true!).

Anyway, please keep us in your thoughts and hearts and prayers. It means a lot to us to know there is an extended "team" out there rooting.

thanks and love----Neal, Laurie, Tracey, and Paco