Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Doses

Hi all, 
   It was a low key, but potentially productive appt with Dr. Yu this morning. In response to Laurie's difficulty tolerating the last two rounds of chemo, Dr. Yu is going to adjust the dosage. He said not much will be lost, and if it helps Laurie not suffer as much for most of a week,  it seems there could be a good gain from the adjustment. We also told him that we had set a tentative appt with Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, an alternative oncologist who focuses more on diet and supplements, and we asked Dr. Yu's opinion. Despite expressing skepticism from a scientific study poiint of view about anything adjunctive, he was not adverse to us having a consult with the caveat that we run any prescribed supplements by him before beginning use. 
    That's all the news that's fit to print for tiday!
                   thanks for being there----Neal and Laurie